Christian Advocate, 1969

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Writers in this Issue
Farra, Harry E.
Lehmberg, David

3 Apr, volume 13, issue 7

  • "Good Plays for Coffeehouses" by Harry E. Farra
    drama suggestions for Christian coffeehouses
  • "The Top 40: A Conscience For the Young" by David Lehmberg
    Folk (history & influence), Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Johnny Cash

Cover of Christian Advocate, 15 May 1969 v. 13, i. 10, featuring Guitars and Worship
Writers in this Issue
Henzlik, William C.

15 May, volume 13, issue 10

Something Old, Nothing New:
  • "Worship Convo Seeks A Style" by William C. Henzlik
    debate about the nature and styles of worship

Writers in this Issue
Carlin, F. Paige

12 Jun, volume 13, issue 12

News and Trends:
Writers in this Issue
Wall, James M.

27 Nov, volume 13, issue 23

Writers in this Issue
Wall, James M.

11 Dec, volume 13, issue 24

  • Fredrick Gere - The Winds of God: A Youth Folk Mass by James M. Wall

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