: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
Heaven's Metal, May / Jun 1994, #47
Cover |
 | Writers in this Issue |
Bach, David Beeman, Bob Crump, Andrew Gustafsson, Staffan Jenison, David A. Kaiser, Wendi Lott, Jeff MacIntosh, Dan Patti, Stuart Scheetz, Jeff Van Pelt, Doug Wilson, Jerry
| Cover Feature:
- "Back For More" by Doug Van Pelt
- "Rose: Getting Back To Where He Belongs" by Jerry Wilson
- "The Vision of 20/20 Blind" by Doug Van Pelt
- "Only Bowing To One" by David A. Jenison
- "Casting The First Stone" by Andrew Crump
- "Dogs Having Their Day" by Dan MacIntosh
- "Prophets Don't Mean Profits" by Staffan Gustafsson
- "Soloing In Nashville" by Stuart Patti
- "Label Profile: R.E.X." by Andrew Crump
What ... Sez:Album Review:Pastor Bob: "Where is Sanctuary?" by Pastor Bob
Inside / Outside by David Bach
Ask Wendi... by Wendi Kaiser
Poster:Licks & Tricks by Jeff Scheetz
HM Back Page: "Worship At Full Volume"