: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
HM, Jan / Feb 1999, #75
Cover |
 | Writers in this Issue |
(a girl called), Gordon Beeman, Bob Crabb II, Kemper B. Hall, Kimberly Herrin, Scott Johnston, Daniel Lewis, Mike MacIntosh, Dan McCabe, Ginny McGovern, Brian Vincent Olson, Chad Putnam, Matt Scheetz, Jeff Shirey, Eric Sutton, Val Van Pelt, Doug Wilson, Gord
| Cover Feature:Article:So & So Says....:Album Review:
- Five Iron Frenzy - Quantity Is Job 1 by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Ashley Cleveland - You Are There by Brian Vincent McGovern
- various artists - Propska One by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Delirious? - Live & In The Can by Brian Vincent McGovern
- The Merbabies - Indio by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Blame Lucy - Gong Show by Brian Vincent McGovern
- various artists - Happy Christmas by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Microskapic - Scraping The Culture by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Jeni Varnadeau - No Hesitation by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Chasing Furies - With Abandon by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Flight 180 - Crackerjack by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Black Cherry Soda - Back On The Map by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Squirt - Huge by Brian Vincent McGovern
- various artists - Eclectica 2: A Taste of Indie Electronica by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Mortal - Godspeed by Brian Vincent McGovern
- The Insyderz - Fight of My Life by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Se7en - Se7en by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Big Dog Small Fence - Big Dog Small Fence by Doug Van Pelt
- Stir - Broken Tongues by Doug Van Pelt
- KMG Classic Archives by Doug Van Pelt
- Echo Hollow - Diet of Worms by Brian Vincent McGovern
- various artists - X: The Birthday Video by Brian Vincent McGovern
- The Supertones - At The Movies by Brian Vincent McGovern
- various artists - Tooth & Nail Video Compilation Vol. 4 by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Blah - Blah by Brian Vincent McGovern
Concert Review:The Christian and Art: "The Sons of Issachar: Knowing What Israel Should Do, Part IX" by Kemper B. Crabb II
Pastor Bob's Column: "Waiting to Exhale" by Pastor Bob
Licks & Tricks by Jeff Scheetz