: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
HM, May / Jun 2006, #119
Cover |
 | Writers in this Issue |
Allen, Nate Buchanan, Jamie Conner, Matt Crabb II, Kemper B. Esquibel, Annie Fisher, Mark Frazier, Dan Gilbert, Brenten Hall, Amy E Hallila, Tim Hellig, Ed Hudson, Tim Hunt, Jeremy Losey, Steven Douglas MacIntosh, Dan Modrich, Matt Rake, Jamie Lee Robinson, Adam Salles, Andre Schwab, Andrew Stagg, David Swank, Jonathan Thompson, John J. Troutman, Chris Tucker, Greg Van Pelt, Doug Wighaman, Chris
| Cover Feature:
- "get out of our way! by now we know what we're doing."
- "The Catharsis of a Curse - The Journey of Stavesacre" by Jeremy Hunt
- The Appleseed Cast by Chris Troutman
- "As Seen Through The Eyes of Andrew Schwab..." by Andrew Schwab
- "The Ship Set Sail: The Year of Danielson" by Nate Allen
- Hawk Nelson by Mark Fisher
- "Friends Forever" by Tim Hudson
- Family Force 5 by Brenten Gilbert
- Skylines by Jamie Buchanan
- "Extreme Metal Report" by Ed Hellig
- New Republic by Steven Douglas Losey
- Transition by Tim Hallila
Interview:Hardnews: Quick & Concise:Hardnews:So & So Says....:Heaven's Metal:Album Review:The Way I See It by Chris Wighaman
Devotions by Greg Tucker
The Christian and Art: "Spoiling Egypt: Taking and Remaking Culture - Part The Second" by Kemper B. Crabb II
- "Chris Yambar And The Simpsons" by Andre Salles (Credited to Chris Callaway, corrected in next issue)