: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
HM, Jan 2014, #174
Cover |
 | Online Exclusively | Writers in this Issue |
Collins, Jeff Croteau, Justin Eaves, Chelc Francis, Matt Gonzales, Jordan Greiner, Nielson Houston, Robert Huncherick, Sean Mabee, Justin McCormack, Jeff Mika, Matthew Ray, Hailey Sides, Chad Stagg, David Steffens, Charlie Van Pelt, Doug
| Cover Feature:
- "Saved By Grace" by Robert Houston
Heaven's Metal:
- "A Conversation with Michael Drive (Lee)" by Charlie Steffens
- "Rises from the Dead" by Robert Houston
- "If They Want Us Back, We're Coming Back" by Justin Mabee
- "Faded: Switchfoot's Journey West" by Robert Houston
- "HM Awards"
- "Solamors' Ascension" by Sean Huncherick
The Jump:Album Review:The Jump: HM Live:The Jump: Columns:
- "Hope: The Blessings of Emptiness" by Nielson Greiner
- "The problem with rules is, it alienates the criminals" by Matt Francis