Christian Herald, 1964

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Writers in this Issue
Hartman, Rachel
O'Hara, Geoffrey

Sep, volume 87, issue 9

New Records:
Writers in this Issue
Hartman, Rachel
O'Hara, Geoffrey

Nov, volume 87, issue 11

New Records:
  • Rae Jenkins - Sacred Strings of the British Isles by Geoffrey O'Hara, Rachel Hartman
  • Lorin Whitney - Pipe Organ With Bird Calls, No. 2 by Geoffrey O'Hara, Rachel Hartman
  • Lorin Whitney - Christmas by Geoffrey O'Hara, Rachel Hartman
  • Earl Johnson - The Living God by Geoffrey O'Hara, Rachel Hartman
  • Paul Mickelson - Choirsing! by Geoffrey O'Hara, Rachel Hartman
  • John W. Peterson - Silver Strings by Geoffrey O'Hara, Rachel Hartman
  • Tony Fontane - Concert Tour Favorites by Geoffrey O'Hara, Rachel Hartman

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