Christian Life, 1983

        Issue list        
Writers in this Issue
Anderson, Becca Miller
Burkhardt, Jim

Oct, volume 45, issue 6

People & Events:
  • "Starting Over"
    Anita Bryant moving out of the entertainment business
  • "Christian Rock Opera Angers Soviets"
Choice: Records:
Writers in this Issue
Armstrong, Larry L.
Franzen, Janice Gosnell
Gilburn, Alan

Nov, volume 45, issue 7

Cover Feature:Musicians on the Move:People & Events:
  • "Christian Music Festival Recalls Woodstock"
    Jesus Festival (PA) 1983
People on the Move:
  • "Joshua Blessitt: Following in His Father's Footsteps" by Alan Gilburn
    Joshua Blessitt, son of Arthur Blessitt

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