: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
7ball, Jan / Feb 1998, #16
Cover |
 | Writers in this Issue |
Barnes, Nik Brooks, Thompson Brown, Bruce A. Chimento, Frank Ebel, Jeff Ewald, Dan Keyes, J. Edward MacIntosh, Dan McCabe, Ginny Merrill, Drake Parker, Mike Reno, Mark Short, Chris M.
| Cover Feature:Article:
- "Music For the Whole Family" by Chris M. Short
- Ghoti Hook by Dan MacIntosh
- "Havalina Rail Company's East Bloc Bone Machine" by J. Edward Keyes
- Holy Soldier by Mike Parker
- "The Resurrection of a Generation" by Ginny McCabe
- "Special Report: Prayer Chain Reunion Show" by Dan MacIntosh
Bankshots:Album Review:blah, blah, blah: "A New Year's Resolution" by Frank Chimento
This issue of 7ball came bundled with GAS #5.