: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
7ball, Jan / Feb 1999, #22
Cover |
 | Writers in this Issue |
Bumgarner, Dave Christopher, Scott W. Cunningham, J J Ebel, Jeff Knight, Steve Newcomb, Brian Quincy P.R.E.Z. Strang, Cameron Thompson, John J. Tudor, Steve Walker, Derek Waltner, Suzie Well, Chris Zhito, Lisa
| Cover Feature:
- "Going Outside" by Lisa Zhito
- "Onward Christian Soldiers"
- "Still Rockin'" by Brian Quincy Newcomb
- "Sasses for the Masses" by Steve Tudor, Dave Bumgarner
- "Vegas, Baby, Vegas" by John J. Thompson
Bankshots:History:Album Review:blah, blah, blah: "Nothing Has Happened Like I Thought It Would" by Cameron Strang
This issue of 7ball came bundled with GAS #11.