: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
CBA Marketplace, 1997
Mar, volume 30, issue 3News Item:Music Reviews:Apr, volume 30, issue 4News Item:Music Reviews:
- Caedmon's Call - Caedmon's Call by Sue Grise
- Considering Lily - Considering Lilly by Devlin Donaldson
- The Waiting - The Waiting by Sue Grise
- Bride - The Jesus Experience by Devlin Donaldson
- Jodi Mills - I Belong to You by Sean Taylor
- Becca Jackson - It'll Sneak Up on You by Steve Parolini
- Wes King - A Room Full Of Stories by Steve Parolini
- various artists - The Joyful Journey by Dan Ewald
- various artists - Women of Faith by Dan Ewald
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