CCM, Jan 1993, vol. 15, iss. 7

        Issue list        
Writers in this Issue
Baldwin, Rick
Brown, Bruce A.
Eller, Laura
Fischer, John
Granger, Thom
Hefner, April
Krause, Anya
Rabey, Steve
Rake, Jamie Lee
Well, Chris


Cover Feature:
  • "Gettin' Back To The Basics" by April Hefner
  • "Rap For The Timez" by Jamie Lee Rake
  • "A Soul Restored" by Thom Granger
Christian Musician:In The News:
  • "Christian Nightclub Opens In Orlando"
    Crystal City Music Palace
  • "Michele Pillar Injured"
Faces:What's New:In Concert:Outta Toon:
  • by Rick Baldwin
John Fischer:
  • "Hot Potato" by John Fischer

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