: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
HM, Apr / May 1996, #58
Cover |
 | Writers in this Issue |
Beeman, Bob Cantwell, Alex Choi, Jeremy DeStefano, David Ryan Hershey, Brent Lott, Jeff MacIntosh, Dan McCabe, Ginny McGovern, Brian Vincent Muttillo, David Scheetz, Jeff Spencer, Randy Van Pelt, Doug
| Cover Feature:Article:
- The 77s by Dan MacIntosh
- Metanoia by Brian Vincent McGovern
- Plankeye by Brian Vincent McGovern
- "In Full Bloom" by David Muttillo
- Nailed by Ginny McCabe
- Deliverance by Ginny McCabe
- Dogs of Peace by Dan MacIntosh
- Everdown by Brent Hershey
- "Finding A Footstool" by Brian Vincent McGovern
- "Lapping Up Lemonade" by Randy Spencer
- "Stavesacre In Studio"
- "Petra In Latin America"
So & So Says....:Album Review:Concert Review:
- "Metal Meltdown" by Jeff Scheetz
- Six Feet Deep by Alex Cantwell
- Christmas Rock Night by TC
Pastor Bob's Column: "A View From The Pit" by Pastor Bob
Poster:Licks & Tricks by Jeff Scheetz
HM Back Page: "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"