: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
HM, Mar / Apr 2002, #94
Cover |
 | Writers in this Issue |
Bandoppler, Treble Beeman, Bob Campbell, Earl Crabb II, Kemper B. Culver, Roy Dodd, Jason E Farmer, Michial Haley, Lee Johnson, Matt Kid, Kern County Lakes, Joi Losey, Steven Douglas MacIntosh, Dan McCready, Tim Morrow, Matt Rake, Jamie Lee Reed, Bethany Simmons, John Strole, L Jeanette Taylor, Terry Scott Van Pelt, Doug Wilson, Gord
| Cover Feature:
- "Saint Alice: The Man Behind The Mask" by Doug Van Pelt
- "A Party Waiting To Happen In The Land of Whitewashed Tombs" by Matt Johnson
- "Face of Bass" by Gord Wilson
- "The Good Fight" by Bethany Reed
- "Time To Show" by Tim McCready
- "Stomping Ground" by Gord Wilson
- "The Open Mouth" by Joi Lakes
- E.SO by Doug Van Pelt
- "The Squirming" by Earl Campbell
- "Riding The Freak Train" by Treble Bandoppler
- Steve Rowe
- "The Album That Sat For Six Months" by Jason E Dodd
- "The Downfall of Texan Civilization" by Lee Haley
- "Getting Ready To Fight" by Doug Van Pelt
Morrow Metal Report:Truth In Hip-Hop:Album Review:History Lesson:Editorials, opinion, and commentary:
- "Old Wild Men" by Terry Scott Taylor
The Christian and Art by Kemper B. Crabb II
Sound Advice by Pastor Bob
Drum & Drummer by John Simmons