: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
HM, Oct 2013, #171
Cover |
 | Online Exclusively | Writers in this Issue |
Brehm, Sarah Brock, Matt Croteau, Justin Eaves, Chelc Francis, Matt Garcia, Daniel Gatto, Chris Greiner, Matt Harp, Lloyd Houston, Robert Huncherick, Sean Mabee, Justin Mika, Matthew Nelson, Jon Ray, Hailey Roberts, Sarah Arendas Sanchez, Melissa Sides, Chad Sistrunk, Jeff Smith, Taylor Rhea Stagg, David
| Cover Feature:
- "Korn Again" by David Stagg
Heaven's Metal:
- "Flesh of My Flesh" by Justin Croteau
- "The Story of Perma" by Melissa Sanchez
- "The Sound of Satisfaction" by Jon Nelson
In Brief:
- Blood of the Martyrs by Hailey Ray
- "Adversity Can Make or Break You. Close Your Eyes Won't Even Bend." by Robert Houston
- "True to the End" by Justin Mabee
The Jump:
- "Wolves at the Gate" by Chelc Eaves
Album Review:The Jump: Columns:
- "On inspiration and creativity" by Matt Brock
- "There reality is a tree, part I" by Matt Greiner
- "Our life is not a movie, or maybe..." by Matt Francis