: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
HM, Sep 2013, #170
Cover |
 | Online Exclusively | Writers in this Issue |
Brehm, Sarah Bryant, Anthony Croteau, Justin Eaves, Chelc Francis, Matt Gatto, Chris Houston, Robert Huncherick, Sean Jaques, Wes Mabee, Justin Rake, Jamie Lee Roberts, Sarah Arendas Smith, Taylor Rhea Stagg, Barry Stagg, David Van Pelt, Doug Waters, Scott Wycoff, Collette
| Cover Feature:
- "The Interview" by David Stagg
Heaven's Metal:
- "The Death Metal Rulers" by Justin Croteau
- "War all the Time" by Robert Houston
- "Common Name: None" by David Stagg
- "Leaders of Men" by Collette Wycoff
- "Moving Forward" by Justin Mabee
In Brief:The Jump:
- Dead Words; Garrett Hollowell interviewed by David Stagg
Album Review:Metal Reviews:The Jump: HM Live:
- "Summer Slaughter Tour, Houston, TX" by Barry Stagg
The Jump: Columns:
- "Snake Man vs Pac Man" by Matt Francis