Harvest Rock Syndicate, May / Jun 1991, vol. 6, iss. 3

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Writers in this Issue
Allison, Kevin
Brown, Bruce A.
Butler, Jori
Cluver, Ross E
Delaney, Michael
Drachnik, Scott J.
Faris, T. L.
Greenfield, Steve
Kratzer, Brett
MacIntosh, Dan
McCormick, Moria
Molina, Jay
Newcomb, Brian Quincy
Orteza, Arsenio
Palmer, Dave
Rocker, Randy S
Selby, Marykay
Steiner, Dave
Well, Chris

King's X

Cover Feature:
  • "It's Not Just Our Cross To Bear" by Bruce A. Brown
  • "In The Throes of Being The Throes" by T. L. Faris
  • "A Bridge Between God and Humanity" by Steve Greenfield
  • "No Laughing Matter... Seriously" by Jori Butler
Metal Shop:
  • "A Thrash In Time Saves Nine" by Kevin Allison
Tapping The Underground:Metal Shop: Reviews:Hot Picks:Critique:Concert Review:

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