CCM, Apr 1982, vol. 4, iss. 10

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Writers in this Issue
Baker, Paul
Burns, Carolyn A.
Curd, Dick
Cusic, Don
Darden, Bob
Fischer, John
Jantz, Stan
Platt, Karen Marie
Smith-Newcomb, Quincy
Styll, John W.
Taylor, Steve
Whitehurst, Rob
Wiley, Fletch

Amy Grant

Cover Feature:
  • "A Woman's Perspective" by Carolyn A. Burns
  • "Glad to be GLAD: It's A Family Affair" by Paul Baker
  • "The Past Meets The Present at 1982 Jesus Festivals" by Carolyn A. Burns
    Faith Festival, Explo '72, Jesus Festival (PA)
  • "Backward Masking"
  • "Gospel Gains Attention at Grammy Gathering" by Dick Curd
  • "Cocker Appearance in Gospel Grammys Raises Questions" by Dick Curd
  • "Dove Awards Revealed in GMA Week Finale" by Don Cusic
  • "Nearly 300 Participate in Annual Gospel Music Week Programs" by Don Cusic
    Gospel Music Association seminars and workshops
  • "Consumers Aware" by Stan Jantz
    consumer trust in Christian music retailing; price increases
  • "My Music and My Life to Magnify the Lord" by Karen Marie Platt
  • "Music to the Eyes" by Bob Darden
    Christian Music Video and television; More Than Music and other shows mentioned
  • "Igniting Christians to Commitment" by Paul Baker
    Chariots of Fire
  • "Chariots of Fire: The Review" by Steve Taylor
    review of Chariots of Fire film
  • "The Imperials on Stage: They've Got the Audience on Their Feet, Their Hands in the Air, and Their Minds on the Lord!" by Rob Whitehurst
What's New:Sound Advice:
  • "Ministry Burn-out" by John Fischer
Artist's Corner:
  • "Time On My Hands" by Fletch Wiley

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