: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
HM, May 2013, #166
Cover |
 | Online Exclusively | Writers in this Issue |
Brehm, Sarah Bryant, Anthony Crabb II, Kemper B. Cunningham, Jeff Francis, Matt Gatto, Chris Harp, Lloyd Houston, Robert Rake, Jamie Lee Stagg, Barry Stagg, David Tucker, Greg Van Pelt, Doug Wycoff, Collette
| Cover Feature:
- "August Burns Red is set to Release their Album, and it will Reinvent their Genre." by David Stagg
In Brief:
- Fallstar by Robert Houston
- "As He Is" by Robert Houston
- "Red Has the Best Seat in the House" by David Stagg, interview by Doug Van Pelt
- Ark of the Covenant by Anthony Bryant
- "Altars wants something more from this life" by Collette Wycoff
The Jump:Album Review:The Jump: HM Live:
- "Adelaine Pours it On" by David Stagg
- "Catch Robert Rudolph Live" by Robert Houston
The Jump: Columns:
- "Dear Black Beauty," by Matt Francis
- "Look Others in the Eye" by Greg Tucker
- "Concerning "Jesus Is My Girlfriend" Songs: Observations on the Imbalances of Today's Worship: Part the Eleventh" by Kemper B. Crabb II
This issue of HM came bundled with Heaven's Metal #99.