: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
7ball, Mar / Apr 2000, #29
Cover |
 | Writers in this Issue |
Alexander, Melody Bartenhagen, Marcia Gladhill, Thom Hogue, Josh MacIntosh, Dan Martin, Rachel L Minor, Kyle Olson, Steve Walker, Randy Zhito, Lisa slave
Mainstream & Crossover artistsCover Feature:
- "Channelsurfing" by Kyle Minor
- "Password Please" by Rachel L Martin
- "[Sup's On]" by slave
Media Watch:
- "Televising The Revolution" by Dan MacIntosh
Christian music video shows; G-Rock (Kendall Nadeau, producer), Urban Altarnet (Andrew McGuire), Radio U, Rugged Records
News Item:Bankshots:Album Review:blah, blah, blah: "The Daze of Our Lives"
This issue of 7ball came bundled with GAS #18.