CBA Marketplace, 2000

        Issue list        
Writers in this Issue
Donaldson, Devlin
Ewald, Dan
Flannery, Steve
Hassig, Gary
Medina, Happy
Parolini, Steve
Rake, Jamie Lee
Raxon, Mario
Taylor, Sean

May, volume 33, issue 5

Spanish:Music Reviews:
Writers in this Issue
Barnes, Tiffani
Donaldson, Devlin
Hafer, Todd
Hassig, Gary
Medina, Happy
Parolini, Steve
Rake, Jamie Lee

Jun, volume 33, issue 6

Music Reviews:
  • Pam Thum - Let There Be... by Steve Parolini
  • Wayne Kirkpatrick - The Maple Room by Happy Medina
  • Seeds - Parables Prayers & Songs by Devlin Donaldson
  • Solomon's Wish - A Wise Man's Tragedy by Gary Hassig
  • Skypark - Overbluecity by Gary Hassig
  • AP2 - Suspension Of Disbelief by Todd Hafer
  • Basix - Believe by Steve Parolini
  • Kendall Payne - Jordan's Sister by Gary Hassig
  • Chris Taylor - Worthless Pursuit of Things on the Earth by Tiffani Barnes
  • Fros'T - Life Long Journey by Jamie Lee Rake

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