CCM, Jul 1984, vol. 7, iss. 1

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Writers in this Issue
Amedea, Caroline
Brown, Bruce A.
Donaldson, Devlin
Fischer, John
Larson, Bob
Mattingly, Terry
Michaels, Victorya
Omartian, Stormie
Pike, Lori E.
Pinzon, Scott
Rabey, Steve
Rowe, David
Seay, Davin
Smith, Tim A.
Smith-Newcomb, Quincy
Wellwood, Mark

Stormie Omartian

Cover Feature:
  • "Summer Health: How to take care of yourself - So you can take care of others" by Stormie Omartian
    Stormie Omartian gives health advice
  • "Peaks and Valleys" by Terry Mattingly
    2nd Chapter of Acts, Charlotte Civic Center, Charlotte, NC
  • J. Brent Bill - Rock and Roll: Proceed With Caution by Steve Rabey
Sound Advice:
  • "What Are We Waiting For?" by John Fischer

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