CCM, Mar 1986, vol. 8, iss. 9

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Writers in this Issue
Brown, Bruce A.
Cushing, Kevin
Dwinell, M. Scott
Fischer, John
Granger, Thom
Newcomb, Brian Quincy
Smith, Tim A.
Styll, John W.

Mylon LeFevre

Cover Feature:Article:Notebook:What's New:
  • Servant - Swimming in a Human Ocean by Brian Quincy Newcomb
  • Dallas Holm - Change the World by Bruce A. Brown
  • Geoff Moore - Over the Edge by Brian Quincy Newcomb
  • Carman - The Champion by M. Scott Dwinell
  • Modern Mission - Modern Mission by Brian Quincy Newcomb
  • Amy Grant - Unguarded by Bruce A. Brown
  • Russ Taff - Medals by Bruce A. Brown
  • Amy Grant - Straight Ahead by Bruce A. Brown
  • Petra - Beat The System by Bruce A. Brown
Video:Sound Advice:
  • "The Speaker" by John Fischer

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