CCM, Apr 1986, vol. 8, iss. 10

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Writers in this Issue
Brown, Bruce A.
Donaldson, Devlin
Fischer, John
Granger, Thom
Griffin, James
McCormick, Moria
Newcomb, Brian Quincy
Rabey, Steve
Renfro, Karen
Scruggs, Melinda
Southern, Mike
Willman, Chris

Resurrection Band

Cover Feature:Article:
  • "Keaggy Fans Finally Get Their Phil" by Chris Willman
  • "A Royal Bash" by Karen Renfro
  • "The Philadelphia Story" by James Griffin
  • "Targeting the Power Alley"
  • "New From Canada" by Melinda Scruggs
  • "Rock Wives Stand By Their Men" by Steve Rabey
    book - Rock Wives by Victoria Balfour
What's New:Sound Advice:
  • "Fear of Dancing" by John Fischer
Editorials, opinion, and commentary:
  • "When The Dancer Becomes The Dance" by Mike Southern

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