CCM, Jul 1990, vol. 13, iss. 1
Writers in this Issue |
Anderson, Warren Baldwin, Rick Bennett, Stephanie Brown, Bruce A. Crumbächer, Stephen Eischer, Mark Ervin, Kathleen A Fischer, John Granger, Thom Kennedy, Dan Menconi, Al Newcomb, Brian Quincy Rabey, Steve Rake, Jamie Lee Schaeffer, Franky Van Pelt, Doug Well, Chris Wilson, Jerry
| Cover Feature:
- "Rock Evangelist For the '90s" by Jerry Wilson
- "Sham Pearls For New Swine" by Franky Schaeffer
New Faces:
- "Wonder Down Under" by Thom Granger
- "Playing Before The Lord" by Kathleen A Ervin
In The News:Toys in the Band:What's New:In Concert:
- "Agape Festival, Greenville, IL" by Chris Well
Outta Toon:Getting The Message:
- "Crumbächer / Duke: Worlds Away" by Stephen Crumbächer
John Fischer:
- "Itching Ears" by John Fischer
Guest Editorial:
- "Is Christian Music Ruining Your Life?" by Al Menconi