: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
CCM, Jul 1997, vol. 20, iss. 1
Cover |
 | Writers in this Issue |
Bonham, Chad Brasher, Joan Christensen, Phil Ciani, Michael Donaldson, Devlin Ervin, Kathleen A Fischer, John Freeman, Jill Harris, Laura Hefner, April Hendrickson, Lucas W. Long, Jim Nappa, Mike Newcomb, Brian Quincy Rabey, Steve Rake, Jamie Lee Randolph-Pitman, Karly Stewart, Jimmy Thunder, Scott Urbanski, Dave
| Cover Feature:
- "One Crazy Summer" by Dave Urbanski
- "Catch The Wave" by Dave Urbanski
- "Celtic Connections" by Steve Rabey
- "A Short Lex-ska-con" by Dave Urbanski
- "Hail Caesar!" by Mike Nappa
- "Flying Lessons" by Karly Randolph-Pitman
- "You Say You Want A Revolution" by Lucas W. Hendrickson
- "Return of the Invisible Girl" by Lucas W. Hendrickson
- "Pool Party - Some Like It Hard" by Dave Urbanski
- "The Dreamer and the Saint" by Jim Long
On The Beat:
- "The Kiss of Success" by Joan Brasher
Talent Pool:
- "Boy Wonders" by Laura Harris
- "Check Please" by Laura Harris
- "British Invasion" by Brian Quincy Newcomb
- "Everything Man" by Jill Freeman
- "Evolution of a Songwriter" by Devlin Donaldson
What's New:In Concert:
- "Mississippi Nights, St. Louis, MO" by Brian Quincy Newcomb
Consider This:
- "A Big Christian Lie" by John Fischer