: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
CCM, Apr 1999, vol. 21, iss. 10
Writers in this Issue |
Carlozo, Lou Finch, Brian Fischer, John Granger, Thom Harris, Laura Hendrickson, Lucas W. Jeffrey, Anthony Jeoffrey, Aaron Nentwig, Wendy Lee Newcomb, Brian Quincy Parker, Mike Rabey, Steve Rake, Jamie Lee Randolph-Pitman, Karly Selby, Derek Wesley Urbanski, Dave
| Cover Feature:
- "Green Acres" by Laura Harris
- "Watershed Records" by Laura Harris
- "Living Out Loud" by Wendy Lee Nentwig
- "Poetic License" by Dave Urbanski
- "Human Potential" by Lou Carlozo
On The Beat:
- "Pope Visits St. Louis" by Brian Quincy Newcomb
- "Women Triumph at Grammys"
Talent Pool:
- "Like A River" by Karly Randolph-Pitman
- "Life Lessons" by Mike Parker
Talent Pool: Indies:Backstage:
- "Rhythm & Cues" by Dave Urbanski
What's New:In Concert:
- "Supernatural Tour, World Arena, Colorado Springs, CO" by Steve Rabey
Consider This:
- "A Sermon On Thelma & Louise" by John Fischer