: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
CCM, Apr 2004, vol. 26, iss. 10
Writers in this Issue |
Argyrakis, Andy Ciani, Michael Connor, Lizza Deyo, Jeff Farley, Dick Granger, Thom Jenison, David A. Krompegal, Katie McCreary, David McKelvey, Douglas Kaine Modrich, Matt Nolan, Michael Peacock, Charlie Rice, Kami Robin, Jessica Swartzendruber, Jay Warren, Deana
| Cover Feature:
- "Never Givin' Up" by Thom Granger
- "The Road Behind... The Road Ahead" by Thom Granger
- "The Dark Side of Beauty" by Lizza Connor
- "The New Life Starts Here" by Jay Swartzendruber
- "The Soundtrack" by Jay Swartzendruber
- "He's A Little Bit Gospel and A Little Bit Rock & Roll" by Deana Warren
- "Two Decades Down" by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
Industrybeat:5 Questions With:Listening In:Ones to Watch:
- "To Be or Not To Be... a Mainstream Band" by Kami Rice
- "Producer vs. Artist" by Kami Rice
Story Behind the Song:
- "Show You Love" by Andy Argyrakis
Hall of Fame:'x' Things You Probably Didn't Know About...:In Review:Standing Room Only:
- "The Imagine Tour" by Andy Argyrakis
Everything That's On My Mind:
- "Everybody Needs a Fan or Two" by Charlie Peacock