: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
CCM, Nov 2006, vol. 29, iss. 5
Writers in this Issue |
Argyrakis, Andy Ball, Meredith Boreanaz, James Colman, Paul Connor, Lizza Farias, Andree Henson, Kristi Lee, Mark Long, Russ Lucado, Jenna MacIntosh, Dan McCreary, David McDonald, Kate McKelvey, Douglas Kaine Nordeman, Nichole Palmer, Dave Price, Deborah Evans Rumburg, Gregory J Shore, Tony Smith, James Styll, John W. Swartzendruber, Jay Thompson, John J. Van Pelt, Doug West, Matthew Williams, Lindsay
| Cover Feature:
- "Eye 2 Eye" by Jay Swartzendruber
- "Ladies & Gentlemen: The Rev Michael W. Smith" by Jay Swartzendruber
- "Stand: A Sound Response" by Jay Swartzendruber
- "Stepping Up To The Microphone" by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
- "The Road To Redemption" by James Boreanaz
- "Around The World In Adie Days" by Lindsay Williams
- "Skillet Sizzles" by Andy Argyrakis
- "No Better Time" by John J. Thompson
- "Return of the Three Amigos" by Deborah Evans Price
- "Stop The Music!" by Andree Farias
5 Questions With:Ones to Watch:
- "Back To Sing To You" by Paul Colman
- "Tale of Three Sisters" by Paul Colman
- "Hearing Is Believing" by Paul Colman
Get Real:
- "We Appreciate Your Addiction" by Gregory J Rumburg
Things I ♥:Independents Day:Band Wagon:Guide To Gear:
- "The Art of Translation" by Russ Long
History Makers: Moments that Shaped CCM:
- "Our Debt of Gratitude" by John W. Styll
In Review:The Writer's Block:
- "A Work In Progress" by Matthew West
Living The Message:
- "Why Christmas Albums Give Me The Butterflies" by Mark Lee
Loose Ends:
- "Growth Spurt" by Nichole Nordeman