: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
CCM Digital, Oct 2013
Cover |
 | Online Exclusively | Writers in this Issue |
Argyrakis, Andy Aspinwall, Grace S. Colville, Cindy Wilt Conner, Matt Greer, Andrew Harris, TJ Kirkendall, Dustin Lucado, Max Lusk, Caroline Saraco, Brent Tasker, Nathan
| Cover Feature:
- "3, 2, 1...Restart" by Caroline Lusk
- "Gloriously Unfolded and Still Unfolding" by Caroline Lusk
- "Going Up: Phil Wickham finds a New Meaning on High" by Andrew Greer
In [His/Her] Own Words:Worship:
- "The Jesus Prayer"
- "Still Serving an Awesome God" by Caroline Lusk
Musicians Corner: Story Behind the Song:Spotlight:Your World:What's New:Musicians Corner: In the Studio:Musicians Corner: Your Home Studio:
- "A Worship Leader's Dream Come True" by Dustin Kirkendall
Batson Guitar Company
Album Review:Tour Spotlight:
- ""Carnival of Madness" Tour, US Cellular Colisuem, Bloomington, IL" by Andy Argyrakis
- "BB King's, New York City" by Brent Saraco
Your Heart:
- "Ultimate Victory" by Max Lucado
Your Home:
- "Making it all Work" by Nathan Tasker
Musicians Corner: Create:
- "Don't Give Up! Finding Opportunities With Your Music" by Cindy Wilt Colville