HM, Nov / Dec 1996, #62

        Issue list        
Writers in this Issue
Beeman, Bob
Bonowitz, Matt
Brown, Greg
Callaway, Chris
MacIntosh, Dan
McCabe, Ginny
McGovern, Brian Vincent
Muttillo, David
Scheetz, Jeff
Van Pelt, Doug


Cover Feature:
  • "Plain ol' Ordinary Guys" by Ginny McCabe
Article:Hardnews:So & So Says....:Album Review:Concert Review:
  • "T2 (Tom Festival)" by Doug Van Pelt
  • "Eva-O Halo Experience"
  • "Kingdom Bound '96" by Greg Brown, Matt Bonowitz
    Kingdom Bound
  • "Vision '96" by Brian Vincent McGovern
    Vision '96
Pastor Bob's Column: "Those 3 Little Words" by Pastor Bob

Licks & Tricks by Jeff Scheetz

HM Back Page: "Being Broken..."

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