: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
HM, Jul / Aug 2002, #96
Cover |
 | Writers in this Issue |
Bandoppler, Treble Beeman, Bob Campbell, Earl Cloud, Jeff Crabb II, Kemper B. Dewberry, Justin Dodd, Jason E Estey, Chris Haley, Lee Hazen, Andrew Jackson, Melba Jakymec, Fay Johnson, Matt Kid, Kern County MacIntosh, Dan Mendonca, Joe Moore, Annie Morrow, Matt Olson, Chad Rake, Jamie Lee Rockstar Scott, Matthew J. Simmons, John Strole, L Jeanette Taylor, Staples Taylor, Terry Scott Van Pelt, Doug
| Cover Feature:
- "On The Road With Norma Jean" by Fay Jakymec
- "It Was Once Understood" by Jason E Dodd
- "No More Sunshine" by Doug Van Pelt
- "The Royal Minds" by Matt Johnson
- "Chance of a Lifetime" by Earl Campbell
- "Out of South Africa" by Dan MacIntosh
- "Casa De Cuple" by Jeff Cloud
- Farewell to Fashion by Doug Van Pelt
- "Lebanon Walls" by Lee Haley
- "Assumption As Understanding" by Joe Mendonca
- "The Truth About Small Towns" by Chad Olson
- "Walking on Heads" by Doug Van Pelt
- "Punk Is Not Pretty" by Lee Haley
- "Dealing With Truth" by Matthew J. Scott
- "Weyandt Returns to Finish Zao"
- "Lament Faces Death"
So & So Says....:Morrow Metal Report:Truth In Hip-Hop:Album Review:Event Review:The Christian and Art by Kemper B. Crabb II
Sound Advice by Pastor Bob
Drum & Drummer by John Simmons
The Insider:
- "The Fish Fry Fiasco" by Staples Taylor
Here I Am, There You Are:
- "Old Wild Men" by Terry Scott Taylor