: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
HM, Jan / Feb 2005, #111
Cover |
 | Writers in this Issue |
Allen, David Crabb II, Kemper B. Esquibel, Annie Estey, Chris Fisher, Mark Haley, Lee Hall, Amy E Huff, David Johnson, Bethany MacIntosh, Dan McKay, Aaron Morrow, Matt Nash, Len Newcomb, Brian Quincy Rake, Jamie Lee Siegel, Judah Spitzer, Bradley Stagg, David Thompson, John J. Tucker, Greg Van Pelt, Doug Wighaman, Chris Wiitala, Christopher Wittig, Michael
| Cover Feature:
- "The Comeback Kid Story" by David Allen
Article:Hardnews: Quick & Concise:Hardnews:So & So Says....:Morrow Metal Report:Hard Music History:Album Review:Live Report:Editorials, opinion, and commentary:
- "Earning An Audience" by John J. Thompson
The Way I See It by Chris Wighaman
Devotions by Greg Tucker
The Christian and Art: "A Few Observations On Worship, Part 1" by Kemper B. Crabb II
Judah What? by Judah Siegel