Explore Artists: C
- C, Vico
- C.I.A.
- C.R.O.W.
- C3
- Cabrera, Patty
- Cade
- Cadet
- Cadia
- Caedmon's Call
- Caesar, Daniel
- Caesar, Shirley
- Cafe Noire
- Cage
- Cage the Elephant
- Cage, Byron
- Cain, Jonathan
- Cale, Anderson
- Calexico
- Calibretto 13
- The Calicoes
- Califone
- Call to Preserve
- The Call
- Calla
- Callahan, Bill
- Called To Arms
- Callins, Pee Wee
- Callous
- The Calm
- Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale
- Calvary Chapel Jupiter
- Calvary Creative
- Calvary Fellowship
- Calvary LIVE Worship
- Calvary Temple Church
- Calvary Temple Festival Choir
- Camargo, Jorge
- Camargo, Wellington
- The Cambridge Singers
- Camel Society
- Camera Club
- Cameraphone
- Cameron, Philip
- The Camerons
- Camp 8
- Camp Quest
- Camp, Adie
- Camp, Benjamin W.
- Camp, Jeremy
- Camp, Jesse
- Camp, Steve
- The Campbell Brothers
- Campbell the Band
- Campbell, Erica
- Campbell, Glen
- Campbell, Ian
- Campbell, Jessica
- Campbell, Kate
- Campbell, Lamar
- Campbell, Peter
- Campbell, Richard
- Campbell, Scott
- Campbell, Stacey
- Campi, Sandy
- Campolo, Anthony
- Campsite
- Campuzano, Eric
- Cana's Voice
- Canaan
- Canada, Kathy
- Banda Canal
- Canary
- Canasta
- Cancer Bats
- Candle
- Candlefuse
- Cangelosi, Larry
- Cannibal Corpse
- Cannon, Freddy
- Canon
- Canopy
- Canopy Red
- The Cant's
- Cantelon, Ben
- Canterbury Effect
- Cantos De Alabanza
- Cantus
- The Canvas Waiting
- Cape Renewal
- Capebianco, Bo
- Capier, Spencer
- Capital Kings
- Capital Lights
- Cappa, Adam
- Cappillino, Leigh
- Capstone
- Captain Bogg & Soggy
- The Captain Hates the Sea
- The Captain Hollywood Project
- Captain Staetnodrog and the Beyond Now Band
- Capulet
- Car Seat Headrest
- Cara, Alessia
- Carajo
- Carbaugh, Dámaris
- Card, Michael
- Cardenal, Katia
- Cardenal, Salvador
- The Cardinal Effect
- The Cardinals
- Carel Heinsius Band
- Carey, Mariah
- Caribou
- Carielle
- Carioca, Marcelinho
- Carlile, Brandi
- Carlisle, Bob
- Carlos, Wendy
- Carlozo, Lou
- Carlson, Gordy
- Carlson, Joanna
- Carlson, Pete
- Carlton, Andrew
- Carlton, Larry
- Carlton, Rob
- Carman
- Carmichael, Ralph
- Carnes, Cody
- Carolina Chocolate Drops
- Carothers, Christiév
- Carpenter, Fred
- Carpenter, Kelly
- Carpenter, Ken
- The Carpenters
- Carr, Jeff Obafemi
- Carr, Kurt
- Carr, Sheri
- Carrack, Paul
- Carree, Isaac
- Carried Away
- Carroll, Bruce
- Carroll, Rex
- Carroll, Terri
- Carrollton
- Carruth, Caleb
- Cartee, Carl
- Cartel
- Carter, Carl
- Carter, Josh
- Carter, Milo
- Carter, Ron
- Carter, Sean
- Carter, Sidney
- Case, Neko
- Case, Peter
- Casella, Jeremy
- Cash, Ed
- Cash, Joanne
- Cash, John Carter
- Cash, Johnny
- Cash, June Carter
- Cash, Kellye
- Cash, Rosanne
- Cassels, Rob
- Cassiane
- Cassidy
- Cast a Fire
- Cast In Stone
- Cast the Dragon
- The Castanets
- Casting Crowns
- Casting Pearls
- Castle, Roy
- Castles, Rob
- Castorino, Jaqueline
- Castro, Jason
- Catalyst
- Catalyst (OH)
- Catasexual Urge Motivation
- Catchings, John
- Catedral
- Caterer, Josh
- Cates, Bill
- Cates, Ronny
- Cathacomb
- Cathedral Of Faith Worship
- The Cathedral Quartet
- The Cathedrals
- Catherine
- The Catholic Girls
- Catley, Marc
- Catron, Jason
- Caul
- Cause & Effect
- The Cause
- Causeway
- Caustic Funeral
- Cauzin' Efekt
- Cavaliere, Felix
- Cavazos, Dustin
- The Cave Singers
- Caviezel, Jim
- Caylor, Jeff
- CCC Manhattan
- CCM United
- Ceaderville University
- Ceasefire
- Cedar Hill Refugees
- Ceili Rain
- Celebrant Singers
- Celebration Band
- The Celebration Road Show
- Celebration Singers
- Celebration Worship
- Celestial Season
- Célia, Alda
- Celldweller
- Cellofourte
- Celtic Fiddle Festival
- Celtic Woman
- Centric Worship
- Century Sleeper
- The Centurymen
- Cerimonial Sacred
- The Certain Sounds
- Cervenka, Exene
- Cetera, Peter
- Cethalis
- Cézar, Júlio
- Chaffer, Don
- Chaffer, Lori
- Chaffin, Jim
- Chafin, Ken
- Chagall Guevara
- Chainflesh
- Chainsaw the Musical
- Chairlift
- Chaisson, Greg
- Chalice
- Chambers, Byron
- Chambers, Danny
- Champion Leader
- Champion, Eric
- Chan, Rachel
- Chance the Rapper
- Chandler, Tim
- Change
- The Channelsurfers
- Chanticleer
- Chapin, Harry
- Chapman, Caleb
- Chapman, Gary
- Chapman, Mary Beth
- Chapman, Morris
- Chapman, Steven Curtis
- Chapman, Tracy
- Chappel, Herbert
- Chappell, Samuel
- Charice
- Chariot (metal)
- The Chariot
- Charisma
- Charity Empressa
- Charizma
- Charles Jenkins & Fellowship Chicago
- Charles, Lew
- Charles, Ray
- Charlie & Jill Leblanc
- Charmaine
- Chase
- Chase B. Williams and Shabach Choir
- Chase, Rick
- Chasen
- Chasing Furies
- Chasing Victory
- Chasm
- Chatterbox
- Cheap Trick
- Cheisrah
- Chelsea Grin
- Chemist, Cut
- The Chemistry
- Chemlab
- Chenaniah
- Chenault, Sue
- Cheng, Junko
- Chenoweth, Kristin
- Cheribum
- Chernoff, Joel
- Cherry, Andy
- Chesnutt, Cody
- Chevelle
- Chew, Jacqueline
- Chicago
- Chicago Is Burning
- Chicago Mass Choir
- The Chieftans
- Childhood
- Children 18:3
- The Children of Power
- Children of the Consuming Fire
- Children of the Day
- Children of the Light
- Children's Bible Hour
- Childres, Karen
- Chiodos
- Chippi
- Chisolm, Marcia
- Chisum, John
- The Choir of Jesus College, Cambridge
- Choir, Sacred Heart
- The Choir
- Choo Choo Pye
- Chopinsky, Marc
- Choralerna
- The Chorus Connection
- Chosen
- Chosen (CO)
- Chosen Generation
- Chosen Stranger
- The Chosen
- Chrigor, Lisbon
- Chris & Jenna
- Chris and Conrad
- Chrisman, Andy
- Christ Chrch Choir
- Christ Church of Nashville
- Christ College Community Ministry
- Christ Community Church
- Christ Fellowship Worship
- Christ for the Nations
- Christ Syde
- Christ Tabernacle Choir
- Christ's Sake
- Christafari
- Christavox
- Christian (IL)
- Christian and Missionary Alliance
- The Christian Armada
- Christian Hill Community Church
- Christian Hills Life Center
- Christian Image
- Christian Life Church
- Christian Tabernacle of Cleveland, OH
- Christian, Chris
- Christian, Daniel
- Christian, Stephen
- Christian, Terry
- The Christianaires
- Christiansson, Ulf
- Christie, Angella
- Christie-McAllister, Judith
- Christine, Brenda
- Christmas, Candy
- Christsyde
- Chryztyne
- Chuckheads
- Church at the Mission
- Church In The City
- Church of Rhythm
- Church of the Open Door
- Church, Charlotte
- The Church
- Chvrches
- Chyld
- Cia Alternative
- Ciani, Suzanne
- Cigala, Diego El
- Cinderella
- Circa Waves
- Circadian Rhythm
- Circle of Dust
- Circleslide
- The Circumsized
- Circus Dawn
- Cities of Refuge
- Citizen Way
- Citizens
- Citizens & Saints
- City Alight
- City and Colour
- City Church of Houston, TX
- City Church of Oxford Halls
- City Harbor
- The City Harmonic
- City of Life Church
- City of the Weak
- The Civil Wars
- Clapton, Eric
| - Clara, Ana
- The Clark Sisters
- Clark, Glen
- Clark, Heather
- Clark, Louis
- Clark, Maurette Brown
- Clark, Patrick Ryan
- Clark, Paul
- Clark, Roy
- Clark, Ryan
- Clark, Terry
- Clark, Twinkie
- Clark-Cole, Dorinda
- Clarke, John
- Clarkson, Kelly
- Clarkson, Margaret
- Clash of Symbols
- Classic Case
- The Classic City Collective
- The Classic Crime
- Clawson, Cynthia
- Clay
- Clay House
- Clay, James
- Clay, Kevin
- Clayton, Merry
- CLC Youth Choir
- Cleanser
- Clear
- Clear Convictions
- The Clear
- Cleavant Derricks Family
- Clegg, Johnny
- Clemency
- Clements, Caleb
- Clemons, Clarence
- The Clergy
- Cleveland, Ashley
- Cleveland, James
- Click, Kevin
- The Clientele
- Cline, Drew
- Clinic
- Clockwise
- Cloninger, Claire
- Close to Home
- Close Your Eyes
- Closer
- Cloud City
- The Cloud Merchants
- The Cloud Room
- Cloud, Jeff
- Cloud, Red
- Cloud2Ground
- Cloverton
- Clower, Jerry
- Clydesdale, Celeste
- Clydesdale, David T.
- The CMC's
- CO3
- Coal Chamber
- Coalesce
- Coalition
- Coast Modern
- Coate, David
- Coates, Robert
- Cobb, Caroline
- Cobble, Tara Leigh
- Cobbs, Tasha
- Cochran, Wayne
- Cockburn, Bruce
- Cocker, Joe
- Code of Ethics
- Code Orange
- Código C
- Coetzee, Dick
- Coffield, Curt
- Cogan, Dan
- Coheed and Cambria
- Cohen, Leonard
- Cohn, Marc
- Coin
- Coker, Brandon
- Colasanti, Bob
- Cold
- Cold War Kids
- Coldplay
- Cole, Bill
- Cole, Carson
- Cole, Chris
- Cole, Lloyd
- Cole, Marcus
- Cole, Mark
- Cole, Neva
- Coleman, Michael
- Coleman-Jackson, Desiree
- The Colemans
- Coletânea
- Coley, Daryl
- Coley, John Ford
- Collapse Under the Empire
- Collective Soul
- Colletto, Tracy
- Colligan, Richard Bruxvoort
- Collingridge, Ruth
- Collins, Curt
- Collins, Jeff
- Collins, Judy
- Collins, Phil
- Collins, Ron
- Collins, Todd
- Collision
- Colloca, Federico
- Colloca, Freddie
- Colman, Paul
- Colony House
- Color Me Badd
- Color Me Red
- Color Me Valiant
- The Color Morale
- Colorado Mass Choir
- Colossus
- Colour Blind
- Colour Revolt
- The Colour
- Colter, Jessi
- Coltrane, John
- Colville, Cindy Wilt
- Colvin, Monty
- Colvin, Shawn
- Com Truise
- Combat Faith
- Combat Junkies
- Come Alive Singers
- Come What May
- Come Wind
- Comeau, Bill
- Comeback Kid
- Command
- Commissioned
- Common
- Common Bond
- Common Children
- Common Courier
- Common Yet Forbidden
- The Communion Singers
- Community Bible Church
- Como, Perry
- Company
- The Company
- Compassion All Star
- Compton, Laura
- Compton, Nigel
- Comrades
- Comstock, Wil
- Comunidade Cristã Filadelfia
- Concepts
- Concrete
- Conditions
- Condon, Mark
- Condos, David
- Condren, Leah
- Condrey, Seth
- Confide
- Connersvine
- Connick, Jr., Harry
- Connor, Lizza
- Conquest
- Consecrator
- Considering Lily
- Constantines
- Consumado
- Consumed By Fire
- Consumption
- Contagious
- Contender
- The Continental Singers
- Contreas, Vini
- Controlling the Famous
- Conundrum
- Converge
- Conveyer
- Conviction
- Convictions
- Cooder, Ry
- Cook, Amanda Lindsey
- Cook, Michael
- Cook, Russell
- CookBook
- Cool Hand Luke
- The Cool Kids
- Cooley, Carson
- Cooley, Lindell
- Cools, Bram
- Coomes, Tommy
- Cooper Temple Clause
- Cooper, Alice
- Cooper, John
- Cooper, Keith L
- Cooper, Korey
- Copeland
- Copeland, Kenneth
- Copious
- Copland, Aaron
- Coppernoll, Christopher L
- Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
- The Coral
- Coram Deo
- The Corbans
- Corbray, Sean
- Cordner, Rodney
- Cordola, Lanny
- Corey Red and Precise
- Corey, Tom
- Corgan, Billy
- Coriolis
- Cornell, Chris
- Cornell, Ted
- The Corner Room
- The Corners
- Cornerstone
- Corpse
- Corpus Christi
- Corpus Christi (CA)
- Correia, Amy
- Correll, Denny
- Correnti, James
- Corrosion of Conformity
- The Cortese Sisters
- Corum, Casey
- Corzine, Chaz
- Cosmos, Frankie
- Costanza, Kim
- Costello, Elvis
- Costello, Katie
- Costello, Ryan
- Costner, Jean
- Cotton, Gene
- Cottonwood Church
- Cottrell, Travis
- Countdown
- Counter Culture
- Counterfeit i
- Counting The Days
- Couriers
- The Couriers
- Courrier
- Courtney, Camerin J
- Courtney, Ragan
- Courts, Amy
- Covenant
- Covenant Worship
- Cowart, Benji
- Cowart, Jeremy
- Cowboy Junkies
- Cowgill, Chris
- The Cox Family
- Cox, John
- Cox, Katelynne
- CR33
- The Crabb Family
- Crabb II, Kemper B.
- Crabb, Jason
- Cradle -> Grave
- Cradle of Filth
- Craft, Robert
- Craig Douglas Band
- Craig Erickson Project
- Craig's Brother
- The Cranberries
- Crandell, Carl
- Crankcase
- Crash Rickshaw
- Crashdog
- Craving Theo
- Crawford, Andrew
- Crawford, Beverly "Bam"
- Crawford, Latice
- Crawford, Michael
- Crawford, Rick
- Crawlspace
- Cray, Robert
- The Creation Singers
- Creations
- Creatives | Creation
- Creed
- Creed (Germany)
- Crespo, Nick
- Cricket
- Crider, Aaron
- Cries Hannah
- Crimi, Angela
- Crimson (AR)
- The Crimson Armada
- Crimson Moonlight
- Crimson Thorn
- Crisamis
- Cro-Mags
- Crocidiles
- Crockett, Billy
- Croley, Sean
- Crompton, Barry
- Crooked Smile
- Crooked X
- Cropper, Steve
- Crosby, David
- Crosby, Fanny
- Crosby, Stills & Nash
- Cross Church Worship
- Cross Culture
- The Cross Movement
- Cross, Andra
- Crosse, Clay
- Crossforce
- The Crossing
- Crossover
- Crossroads Church
- Crosssection
- Crossway
- Crosswire
- Croteau, Roberta
- Crouch, Andraé
- Crouch, Matt
- Crouch, Sandra
- Crow, Robin
- Crow, Sheryl
- Crowded House
- Crowder, Corey
- Crowder, David
- Crowell, Rodney
- Crown of Thorns
- Crucial Kick
- Crucible (AZ)
- Crucible (IN)
- Crucifer
- The Crucified
- Crucifix
- Crumbächer
- Crunchy
- Crusade
- The Cruse Family
- Cruse-Ratcliff, Cindy
- Crutch
- Crutchfield, Kerri
- Crux
- Cry Charity
- Cry Mercy
- Cry of the Afflicted
- The Cry
- Cryar, Morgan
- Cryptacize
- Crystal River
- Crystavox
- Cua, Rick
- Cub Country
- Cuccia, Vic
- Cue The Doves
- Cull, Bob
- Culross, David
- Cult of Jester
- The Cult
- Cultivate Music
- Cultivation Generation
- Culture Club
- Culverwell, Andrew
- Cumbee, Jim
- Cummings, Chuck
- Cunningham, Adam
- Cunningham, Grant
- Cunningham, Jeff
- Cunningham, Scott
- Cuomo, Rivers
- Curbsquirrels
- The Cure
- Curious Fools
- Currents
- Curtis, Kasey
- Curumin
- Cush
- Banda Cusmi
- Custar, Matthew
- Cut Copy
- Cut the Red Wire
- Cutlip, Randy
- Cybergrind
- Cybershadow
- Cybicus
- Cyrus, Billy Ray
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