CCM, Apr 2008, vol. 30, iss. 9

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Cover of CCM, Apr 2008 v. 30, i. 9, featuring Leaving A Legacy
Writers in this Issue
Allen, Nia
Argyrakis, Andy
Banister, Christina A.
Black, Beau
Conner, Matt
Connor, Lizza
Donehey, Mike
Dunn, Jason
Farias, Andree
Giglio, Louie
Hammitt, Mike
Harrold, Rachel
Havens, Josh
Lusk, Caroline
Maher, Matt
McCreary, David
Moist, Brad
Moore, Johnston
Newcomb, Brian Quincy
Peacock, Charlie
Schwab, Andrew
Shore, Tony
Styll, John W.
Thompson, John J.
Tworkowski, Jamie
Van Pelt, Doug
West, Matthew

Leaving A Legacy

Cover Feature:Article:
  • "From There to Here" by John W. Styll
    History of CCM magazine
  • "Remembering Larry Norman" by John J. Thompson
  • "The Future of Christian Music" by Charlie Peacock
  • "Christian Music's Big Give" by Christina A. Banister
    Contemporary Christian music and social causes
What Now!:Story Behind the Song:
  • "Never Going Back To OK" by Josh Havens
New Noise:Roots:
  • "Building Community In Cyberspace" by Johnston Moore
    Pillar (Rob Beckley)
In The Studio:Things I ♥:In Review:Tour Scrapbook:The Final Word:
  • "When All Is Said and Done" by Louie Giglio
Trend Watch:
  • "Where Do We Go From Here?" by Beau Black
    state of the industry, digital trends
This is the final issue of CCM. Replaced by CCM Digital.

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