: Contemporary Christian culture, music, and media.
HM, Feb 2012, #153
Cover |
 | Online Exclusively | Writers in this Issue |
Aguirre, Allan Aguirre, Christina Allen, Nate Bryant, Anthony Conner, Matt Cotrufo, Nick Crabb II, Kemper B. Erb, Corey Francis, Matt Frazer, Bear Graham, Jerry Hallila, Tim Harp, Lloyd Johnson, Chad Layton, Jim Leonard, Matthew Litrenta, Nick MacIntosh, Dan Mead, James Murphy, Nicole Plunkett, David Rake, Jamie Lee Reynolds, Mike Shameless, Rob Shore, Tony Spencer, Randy Stagg, David Steffens, Charlie Swank, Jonathan Van Pelt, Doug Wighaman, Chris
| Cover Feature:
- "This Is The* End" by Dan MacIntosh, Doug Van Pelt
Article:Hardnews: Quick & Concise:
- "Circleslide On 700 Club"
- "Saint Hooligan Signs to TPR"
- "For Today in the Studio, Touring Soon"
Hardnews:So & So Says....:
- Extreme (reprint from March 1995) by Doug Van Pelt
Album Review:Pick of the Litter:Live Report:
- "WinterJam 2012" by Nicole Murphy
The Way I See It: "Mark Eleven" by Chris Wighaman
The Christian and Art: "Concerning "Jesus Is My Girlfriend" Songs: Observations on the Imbalances of Today's Worship (Part the First)" by Kemper B. Crabb II
Guest Editorial: "To Hell With Fear!" by Chad Johnson
g_editorial: "What in the Fear of God?" by Mike Reynolds
Roots & Culture: "of Olive Trees & Wild Branches (Part 3)" by Allan Aguirre
Tales From The Conservative Underground:
- "Please Don't Send Me to Church Camp" by Matt Francis
ask. seek. rock. by Randy Spencer